Days surely have passed away very quickly. Not a day passed without me thinking I have neglected this space. I clicked these pictures on the New year Eve. We had a fireworks display and they looked magnificent, just as you wish the life will be.
When it looks like they are showering you with its blessings, you are stuck with its splendid display.
It looked more brilliant than here, I don't think I will ever forget the sensation I had seeing this live.
Today marks the close of a period in many ways. It also marks a new beginning. Makes it very fitting that I should remember that moment in life that got fixed in mind for ever.
However old you become, I guess you never loose the kid in I sit here writing this alone at home, with others already asleep, I think of the many birthdays that have gone by and look forward to another year that is on its way.
When it looks like they are showering you with its blessings, you are stuck with its splendid display.
It looked more brilliant than here, I don't think I will ever forget the sensation I had seeing this live.
Today marks the close of a period in many ways. It also marks a new beginning. Makes it very fitting that I should remember that moment in life that got fixed in mind for ever.
However old you become, I guess you never loose the kid in I sit here writing this alone at home, with others already asleep, I think of the many birthdays that have gone by and look forward to another year that is on its way.