My love for old hindi classics is boundless. I am fortunate that my hubby dear loves them too.
My interest must have started because my Dad love them too.
And it continues because my husband loves them too.
One of the things I wanted to do from this new year, was to listen to music
that lifts the soul. And there are many such tunes, only in the daily grind,
one forgets that.
I happen to listen to Kabhi Kabhi last evening, naturally I started humming
Main pal do pal ka shayar hoon
pal do pal meri kahani hai
pal do pal meri hasti hai
pal do pal meri jawani hai
main pal do pal ka shayar hoo
The uncertainty and pathos that reflects from these words felt appreciate,
until Lubna reminded me of the other version of the song,
Maein Har Ek Pal Ka Shaayar Hoon
Har Ek Pal Meri Kahani Hai
Har Ek Pal Meri Hasti Hai
Har Ek Pal Meri Jawaani Hai
Well I realized it depends on how you approach things..
Since the new year, I have been high on inspirational thoughts.
It starts from having positive thinking, not dwelling on negative thoughts
Though pathos and melancholy sounds so passionate, they are not really worth our cries!
Hopefully I get back to dig those favorite music from where were they are hidden right now!
And 2000 words per day goal!, Ok that sounds too much..maybe 1000 per day! Wish me luck
How to make Pachi Mirapakaya Pappu ~ Green Chilli Dal
11 months ago
First is to wish you all the best to maintain your 1000 words. I know you can do it! you got a ton of patience.
Even I love old Songs(Hindi, Kannada)Even for me it came from my father.
and Ghazals.
My all time favorite song is "Yeh raatein yeh mousam, nadi ka kinara yeh chanchal hawa!!
I love to hear Mukesh songs in the night.
I may help you to dig very old, beautiful and soul touching songs, if you don't mind!
Nivedita, I will surely not mind at all..infact would love to have such discussions..:)..thanks for the wishes, hopefully should be able to do it..
Nice to know about your favorite ones! won't believe it is one of my favorite too. Infact most times I can't say which one, as I like so many..!..thanks for dropping by..
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