Thursday, July 5, 2007

Free 3 column Rounder templates for Bloggers

Below are the three-column Rounder templates that are downloadable. Please download first, then upload it to your test blog. Ensure you read the following instructions carefully before making any changes.

These are for first time users who have not yet added any widgets into their templates.

Step by step explaination on how to make modifications to your New Blogger template:

I. Installing Steps from the downloaded template:

A. Accessing the "Template" tab

1. You need to be logged into your blog. If you want to make changes to the same blog that you are currently in, click on "Customize" tab

2. If you're from one blog, and you want to alter the template of another blog, click on "Dashboard"

3. If you're already on "Dashboard", click on "Layout"

4. You will be taken into three tabs, Posting, Setting page and Template, click on the "Template" tab

B. In the Template tab, click on "Edit HTML" page

By default, the widget are not expanded. So check the box next to "Expand Widget Templates"

But before you make any modifications, it's best to save a copy to your hard drive.

You can upload the customised template and check what you want. You can always revert back to your old template.

Just click on each one to download the template

Rounder 1 Template

Rounder 2 Template

Rounder 3 Template

Rounder 4 Template

Will be coming back with others soon

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